Documentation for MEDYAN.
Warning, the API is very unstable, and this package is not released yet.
Welcome to Papoian Lab’s Mechanochemical Dynamics of Active Networks Julia package.
This is based on the C++ medyan command line tool also developed by the Papoian Lab.
Copyright 2022, Papoian lab at the University of Maryland.
This code is distributed under the license found in this directory, license.txt
First install and run Julia
Next download or clone this repository.
Finally, to use MEDYAN.jl, in Julia run:
using Pkg; pkg"dev <path to repo>"
Where <path to repo>
should be replaced with a local or absolute path to the repo.
Running tests
In shell:
cd test
julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
julia --project runtests.jl
You can also include individual test files to run just those tests.
Sub Packages
There are a number of sub packages found in the “lib” directory.
For example “lib/MEDYAN2Vtk”, can be tested using the following shell commands:
cd lib/MEDYAN2Vtk/test
julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
julia --project runtests.jl
To use “lib/MEDYAN2Vtk” package in a new environment in Julia run:
using Pkg; pkg"dev <path to repo>/lib/MEDYAN2Vtk"
If the sub package depends on other sub packages or depends on MEDYAN, you may have to dev multiple paths.
Running notebooks
To run interactively in a Pluto Notebook, run the following shell commands:
cd notebooks
julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
julia --project -e 'import Pluto;'
To generate static html files, run the following shell commands:
cd notebooks
julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
julia --project runnotebooks.jl
Editing Documentation
Run the following to set up the environment and create a preview. Any changes to files in docs
should auto update.
julia docs/make.jl
Run the following to refresh the docstrings for the site.
julia --project=docs docs/make-docstrings.jl