

chem_newfilament!(c::Context; ftid=1, monomerstates, node_mids, nodepositions)

Return the filament id of a new filament.

Error if the filament isn’t initially over 2 monomers long.

Newly added filaments don’t have decimated_2mon sites, until after minimization.

Keyword Arguments

  • ftid=1: filament type id.

  • monomerstates: Collection of the MonomerState of the monomers in the new filament. In order from minus end to plus end.


  • nodepositions: Collection of SVector{3,Float64}. The positions of the nodes, monomers are between nodes.

  • node_mids: Collection of Integer. The monomer ids at (slightly plus side of) the nodepositions

    minus end <----       M  |  M  | (M) |  M        ----> plus end
                                   ^ A nodeposition is indicated by the line.

    The monomer id with parenthesis (M) will in node_mids

    length(node_mids) == length(nodepositions) - 1

  • endloadforces=(0.0=>0.0): end load forces, usually don’t use this, because load forces will automatically get updated at the next minimization.