

Mechanical boundary

See also boundary_box

  • planes::Vector{StaticArraysCore.SVector{4, Float64}}: Planes that make up the mechanical boundary of the simulation.

    E = 1//2 * relu(pos ⋅ planes[bi][1:3] - planes[bi][4])^2

    For example, a mech bounding plane [1,0,0,3] would try and make x < 3 nm with a spring constant of 1 pN/nm.

    2.0*[1,0,0,3] would try and make x < 3 nm with a spring constant of 4 pN/nm.

  • capsules::Vector{StaticArraysCore.SVector{8, Float64}}: Capsules that make up the mechanical boundary of the simulation.

    capsules[bi][1:3] is the starting point of the spine line segment (nm). capsules[bi][4:6] is the axis of the spine line segment (nm). capsules[bi][7] is the radius (nm). capsules[bi][8] is the spring constant (pN/nm).

    if capsules[bi][4:6] is zero then the capsule is a sphere. Capsule boundaries can be combined with plane boundaries to create cylinder boundaries.

    E = 1//2*k*relu(d - r0)^2 where:

    • d is the distance of the point to the spine line segment described by capsules[bi][1:6].
    • r0 is capsules[bi][7]
    • k is capsules[bi][8]